Selling Timeshares Online

Loving your timeshare is one thing, but if you have one and you have to sell it, that can be a challenge.  This is especially the case if and when you have someone that lacks experience in the area.  Selling a timeshare is like most anything else, the more experience you have, the better off you are going to be.  It’s not something that you can assume anyone can sell.  It’s also not something that you can post a sign and hope that someone is going to see it.  These are two things that make selling a timeshare more complicated then selling most anything else.

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Problem One: Knowing What You’re Doing!

Knowing what you’re doing is one of those two-edged swords.  How do you get to know what you’re doing, if know one ever gives you the chance?  Sometimes it means buying and selling your own first, sometimes it means having a real estate business and branching into it.  Both of these ways can work for you.  The second is often better for one simple reason; when you’re starting to buy and sell timeshares, you don’t have to rely on that for your source of income.  That will be a big plus for everyone involved and the amount of stress to do your deals will be substantially less.

Some things for you to consider are:

  1. How much if any commission are you going to charge?  If you are, what are the circumstances that you’re going to apply them.
  2. Are you going to take a commission on the sale of a timeshare?  If not, how are you going to make your money?
  3. Are you going to guarantee your services?  While having a guaranteed doesn’t promise business it sure will help, especially when you’re new!
  4. Who is going to pay the closing costs: The buyer, seller or both?
  5. Are you going to have a Full Time Concierge and client service team?  If so what services ares are they going to offer to your customers?
  6. Lastly, what type of exposure are you going to be giving your customers?  Are you going to give them the access to the widest possible audience.  What this means is that you’ll have access to TV, Radio, Print (newspapers and magazines) and lastly Online!

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The second question was how do you sell your timeshare without posting a sign.  In the last paragraph there was mention many ways to sell a timeshare.  Arguable the fast way to sell one is going to be online.  Why?  The answer is simple;  If done right, it can give you the most exposure around the word, to the most people the fastest.  If you’re looking at selling timeshares, then you have to have the exposure needed to do just that and do it quickly.  Why quickly?  Because people are going to want to know that their ‘product’ is out there and is being seen by the highest number of people possible.