Time and Money Savers

Here are 5 Quick Tips to Save Money!

Stop Smoking – this alone could save you $4ooo a year!

Take a ‘Staycation’ – Really, how about exploring a city near where you live? Working in a town is not the same as vacationing there.

Use Urgent Cares rather than the Emergency Room – An urgent care clinic can be faster and provide big savings over the emergency room.

Here is what has to say about Urgent Care:

“Urgent care is a category of walk-in clinic focused on the delivery of ambulatory care in a dedicated medical facility outside of a traditional emergency department (emergency room). Urgent care centers primarily treat injuries or illnesses requiring immediate care, but not serious enough to require an emergency department (ED) visit. Urgent care centers are distinguished from similar ambulatory healthcare centers such as emergency departments and convenient care clinics by their scope of conditions treated and available facilities on-site.”

Bring Your Lunch – Are those $9 lunches adding up?  A brown sack and a walk to the park can save you a thousand a year or more.

Build Meals Around Inexpensive Staples – If you build many of your meals around potatoes, rice or noodles as the base you can add a little meat, nuts, or beans and have a healthy low cost and large volume of food ready to go.