Travel Time!

The new year is now well underway and what that means is people are starting to plan their vacations.  If you plan your vacation ‘right’, then you will have a blast and be refreshed when you come back.  If you don’t, there’s the very real possibility that you will pay for it.  The point of this Every.rock is to give you some ideas of what you can do to prepare for your family vacation.  Not everything that’s mention will be needed, but it’s a list of things for you to consider and when needed apply them.

First up Travel:

Most people when they go on vacation, they travel.  This means that they have to plan for any number of things, but in this case, I’m looking at those that are going to go out of the country.  If you’re staying within your home country, seeing the doctor won’t be a priority, if on the other hand, you’re going to another country, you’re going to need to visit the doctor.  There are almost always shots that need to be received in order for you to protect your body from the disease that aren’t common to your home country.  If you’re going out of the country, plan your trip and vaccinations well in advance.  Boca Regional Urgent Care is one facility that will help you take care of this issue quick.  Remember to visit your doctor on your return as well.  There are test that can be ran to make sure that you’re as healthy when you return, as when you left.


Where Are You Going?

Where are you going is another question that you’re going to need to answer.  Your budget will play a big part in this question.  If you have 20,000 dollars to spend per person, then you can literally travel around the world in style.  But if you don’t, then a trip to the beach may be your selection  Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it is a must consideration when looking at where you are going to vacation at.


Safe With Your Money!

When you travel, being safe with your money is a huge thing.  Things like putting money in different forms, such as cards, traveler’s check and country currency are just some of the ways that you can make sure that if you’re money is lost or stolen in one place, you have more stashed in another.



Planning how much luggage you’re going to need is the same as planning how many types of clothes you’re going to needed.  Never over pack, it adds to the chaos of the trip.  For example, if you’re going on a weekend trip, one bag is usually enough.  But, if you’re going to go on a cruise that last for a month, you’re going to need to plan for 30 days of clothing and any fine dining that you’re going to do on the ship.

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Final Thoughts

If you opt to go out of the country, you will want to make sure that you go and see your doctor when you come back.  It’s something that can save your life.  All of the Survivor shows have shown the importance of this.  How many of them when they got home found out they had something wrong with them, that wasn’t there when they left?  Many of them, so don’t take a risk.  Even if it’s going to an urgent care to be evaluated, it’s worth the trip.

Winter Medical Needs

Have you been paying attention to what’s happening around you?  As Halloween has left us and the temperatures have started dropping, sickness is in the air.  You’ve probably seen it at work and haven’t given much thought to it.  A casual cough here, a sniffle there.  All are signs and symptoms that the winter season is upon us.  It’s not fun for a lot of people, especially if you’re of an age that you tend to catch everything that goes around.  You even see commercials at the movie theater that tells of the pending pneumonia outbreak, no fun to be sure.

There are things that you can do in order to prevent or at the very least stop you from getting much of these illness.  Included for your convenience are things that will help you stop the bugs before they are truly bugging you.  Remember, staying healthy isn’t happenstance, you can do a lot to move things in the right direction.



Yes, you’ve heard it 1000 times, wash your hands.  It’s true, washing your hands is one of the top things that you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick.  One study has found that outside of shopping carts, the number one place you collect sickness from is the bathroom.  The toilet handle, door handle when you leave and sinks, are covered with million and in fact billions of bugs.



The moral of the story: Wash your hands and reduce your risk of becoming ill.  Note: when you leave the restroom, wipe the handle and throw the tell away.  Also consider using one finger or going out backwards and you’ll find that you get sick less often.


Yes, it’s true: take your daily vitamins.  It’s especially the case with vitamin “C” for your immune system boost and “D” helps with depression in the winter.

A solid multivitamin all year around is never a bad thing.  Most people don’t take enough nutrients regardless of time of year, which is why we need multivitamins.  If you’re one that doesn’t like to take vitamins, then you need to add more fruits and veggies.  Don’t yell at me, you know it’s true.  If you don’t get sick!


Many people’s allergies spike during late fall and early winter.  People sneezing and coughing around the workplace is  commonly attributed to having allergies.  This is usually the case due to falling leaves.  Allergies can be worse than colds for one simple reason: they hang around until the reagent that causes them is gone.   That can be days or weeks and if you have allergies, you’re miserable the entire time.



The Solution

So if any of this sounds like you.  Consider dressing warm and seeking medical advices as soon as you can.  It’s not fun to be sick, have allergic reactions or worse yet, end up in the hospital.  When you find illness lurking at your door seek medical attention quickly.  If you need to go to an urgent care.  They’ve been shown to save you time and money.  Urgent cares are ran by real emergency room doctors that care about you and getting you back on your feet.  Most want to specially in treating fewer patients rather than running from one patient to another which is often the case in emergency rooms.