Essential Things You Need to Know About Microblading

A few years ago, ladies were crazy about super thin eyebrows, but these days they are in love with the thicker ones. With the changing trend, they are looking for some of the best treatments to amp up the arches. But, until you do not collect information about latest beauty treatment options available in the market, you will not be able to find the right solution for your needs. Well! We understand that you cannot go through huge details due to your over busy work routines, but don’t worry! We have compiled the best information for you. Microblading is the most trustworthy treatment that can help you to get the desired shape of eyebrows within very less time.

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent makeup technique where some manual process is used to insert pigments into the topmost layers of the skin so that a desired shape of eyebrows can be created with a feeling of fullness. This treatment can last for around 12 to 24 months; however, the ultimate impact varies as per different skin types. After this duration, the pigments start fading, and they leave your natural eyebrows behind. The results obtained after this treatment appear lifelike, and the great news is that this treatment doesn’t affect your skin and natural hairs on the eyebrow area.

Aftercare tips for Microblading treatment:

Once you undergo Microblading treatment, it is important to keep your eyebrows dry for at least 10 days. No water must come in contact with the treated area as it may wash out the ink used for treatment. It is even better to avoid any hot holiday plan as the over sweating may also push out the ink from your skin. Prefer to avoid saunas and gym for these 10 days so that the treatment can show its actual beautiful impact on your skin.

How much does it cost?

If you are curious to enrich the looks of your eyebrow area, you might be interested to know more about estimated cost if Microblading. In order to avail of this treatment, costs are often in the $500 to $800 range. This technique does not show any side effect on the skin. Some people report rejection towards ink during the first session, but this issue can be recovered with ease using aftercare procedures.