Winter Medical Needs

Have you been paying attention to what’s happening around you?  As Halloween has left us and the temperatures have started dropping, sickness is in the air.  You’ve probably seen it at work and haven’t given much thought to it.  A casual cough here, a sniffle there.  All are signs and symptoms that the winter season is upon us.  It’s not fun for a lot of people, especially if you’re of an age that you tend to catch everything that goes around.  You even see commercials at the movie theater that tells of the pending pneumonia outbreak, no fun to be sure.

There are things that you can do in order to prevent or at the very least stop you from getting much of these illness.  Included for your convenience are things that will help you stop the bugs before they are truly bugging you.  Remember, staying healthy isn’t happenstance, you can do a lot to move things in the right direction.



Yes, you’ve heard it 1000 times, wash your hands.  It’s true, washing your hands is one of the top things that you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick.  One study has found that outside of shopping carts, the number one place you collect sickness from is the bathroom.  The toilet handle, door handle when you leave and sinks, are covered with million and in fact billions of bugs.



The moral of the story: Wash your hands and reduce your risk of becoming ill.  Note: when you leave the restroom, wipe the handle and throw the tell away.  Also consider using one finger or going out backwards and you’ll find that you get sick less often.


Yes, it’s true: take your daily vitamins.  It’s especially the case with vitamin “C” for your immune system boost and “D” helps with depression in the winter.

A solid multivitamin all year around is never a bad thing.  Most people don’t take enough nutrients regardless of time of year, which is why we need multivitamins.  If you’re one that doesn’t like to take vitamins, then you need to add more fruits and veggies.  Don’t yell at me, you know it’s true.  If you don’t get sick!


Many people’s allergies spike during late fall and early winter.  People sneezing and coughing around the workplace is  commonly attributed to having allergies.  This is usually the case due to falling leaves.  Allergies can be worse than colds for one simple reason: they hang around until the reagent that causes them is gone.   That can be days or weeks and if you have allergies, you’re miserable the entire time.



The Solution

So if any of this sounds like you.  Consider dressing warm and seeking medical advices as soon as you can.  It’s not fun to be sick, have allergic reactions or worse yet, end up in the hospital.  When you find illness lurking at your door seek medical attention quickly.  If you need to go to an urgent care.  They’ve been shown to save you time and money.  Urgent cares are ran by real emergency room doctors that care about you and getting you back on your feet.  Most want to specially in treating fewer patients rather than running from one patient to another which is often the case in emergency rooms.