3 Ways To De-stress Your Life

While it’s all to common to hear people say to go on a vacation to lessen the stress in your life, I’ve heard far more people complain about the stress that occurred while on vacation, so that doesn’t seem to work very well.  This isn’t to say that vacations aren’t very fun or that you never have a great experiences, because you can and do.  It’s simply saying that it may not be all that people create it to be.

The same can and is true for those that take yoga classes.  Can you imagine conforming yourself into a pretzel?  No thanks!  Then again, there’s those positions such as plank, dog, tree and a lot more that won’t work for you either.  The same is true for other exercises, while they are good for you (no argument there), they also may not be something that you care to do.

Yes, that’s the underlying case for most things.  If you don’t care to do them, then they aren’t going to decrease the stress that you’re trying to handle.  Hence the point of the ‘couch potato’.  The way they relax is by watching a movie, football game or any number of other things that are on tv.  That’s what’s relaxing to them.  But consider that there are still multiple other things that you can do to help you relax that you may not have consider.  And there in lies the point of this Every.rocks to give you 3 simple ideas that you may not have considered before, to help you relax!


Old Saint Nick, Needlepoint Christmas Stocking



Release Number 1: Needlepoint!

The first item for your time of rest and relaxation is needlepoint.  There are certain things that you may not consider to be rest and this often is one.  One woman I spoke with said she didn’t feel this was productive, because she always felt like she should be ‘doing something’.  If you’re doing needlepoint, you are doing something.  You are getting yourself to download and unload the stress that’s been in your life, by sitting still and doing something relaxing.

If you have the ability to count (the strands when you first start and the squares they floss will go into) then you have the ability to do needle point. Needlepoint isn’t hard and that’s the point isn’t it.  When you want and need to relax needlepoint may just be one method that will work for you.




Release Number Two: Crochet

While you may not like needlepoint, you may like crocheting.  Many people love both of these and the third one as well.  Why?  Because they’re relaxing.  Both take practice and both bring with them a sense of release to those that do them.  Never feel guilt if you’re making something.  Know that there are greater goods that are coming from you doing them.  Some chose to make chemo caps and give them away, while others make blankets and give them away.  Some people just do things for their home and loved ones.  What ever way you decide to go, crocheting can bring with it a sense of rest and relaxation.

If you’re thing that most people can’t do that with a handcraft, you’ll soon find out you’re wrong.  The reason for that is this: most people that do crocheting can do it without looking or counting.  Most of this art doesn’t require either or those things.  In an attempt to set proper expectations, those that are beginners usually have to concentrate more.  Not because it’s hard to crochet, but because it’s something new to them and for them.  Once they’ve spent a little bit of time, they’re off and running and looking is no longer a concern.  It’s part of why crocheting is relaxing, you don’t have to think about it.



Release Number Three: Knitting

Knitting is the final release that we’re going to cover.  Knitting is like the other two in that you use your hands.  Unlike needlepoint, you don’t have a canvas, but like crocheting, you do need to use a tool.  In this case, knitting needles not a crochet hook.  You can create most anything that you want with knitting.  You can make hats, caps, sweaters, gloves and virtually anything that you can imagine, you can make.

Don’t stress yourself when you’re beginning.  Whenever you’re learning something, give yourself a break.  If you need to ask someone questions, you may want to find a yarn shop and take lessons or a group that will specialize in knitting.  What you make shouldn’t matter, it’s the effort and time that you put into learning it that will always pay off.  Like crocheting, it’s not hard, it’s just a matter of getting comfortable enough with your tools, and practicing enough that you get good at it.  Can you do it?  YES!  It’s up to you though.



Well that’s! If you’re thinking, “but there’s more”, you’re right there always is.  So go find out what relaxes you and do it.  But don’t make it a chore, that’s defeating the purpose.  You need to be able to relax and unwind from the stress and pressure of each day.  You work hard, now relax!