Monthly Archives: December 2015
An Unexpected Christmas Gift
An unexpected Christmas gift by it’s nature is unexpected. Often times we fight to get those perfect gifts. Maybe for you it’s a car, games, or clothing, but really aren’t those and everything like them expected? It’s not that those are bad or wrong gifts, they’re just expected. Consider a gift or gifts that are out of the norm, but ones that the person needs. Anything for that matter that is clothing, toys, jewelry and maybe even a car are all predictable. But aren’t there a handful of things that people truly need and would value even more that aren’t predictable?
That’s where takes us today…to the land of unpredictablity, but fastly needed and appreciated!
Dental Work!
If someone that you know needs dental work, then this may be that perfect unexpected gift. If you are in pain with every bite that you take, or even if you don’t, then you understand why this is a perfect gift. Few people think about the fact that health begins in the mouth. But if you’re one of the millions that runs around and has teeth that are literally rotting, then you will understand the importance of having good dental care. Everyone that I know that has bad teeth doesn’t want to, they simply can’t afford to go to the dentist, and in most cases, they’re not about to ask for money. Among other reasons, it’s too embarrassing. That’s what makes dental work the perfect unexpected gift.
Remember, there’s nothing wrong with being an elf. Send that card, certificate or cash to the one in need isn’t out of the question and they will be thankful.
Food! This is another area where people aren’t likely to ask for help. I grew up with a single mother decades ago when it wasn’t ok to ask for help. We were always low on food, because on salary and two kids didn’t mix. We always needed help, but few were there to help. Most of the time the only help we saw was during the holidays. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s help that is needed all year around. Everyone that I know of that’s gone to a food back, is more than grateful for the help that they get.
If you’re one of those that thinks it’s about people not working hard enough, I know people that had two incomes, teachers, pilots and other professionals, that just didn’t have the money to buy food for their family. That’s what makes food, the perfect unexpected gift!
The last unexpected gift is to visit the elderly and infirmed. Often times, it’s not that people don’t want to be out and about, it’s that they can’t. This can be for any number of reasons ranging from age, accidents, wellness and mental disorders such as dementia. This are hard times for everyone, especially those that can’t get out and be with family and friends. That’s why we need to take initiative and go out and be with those that aren’t able to come to us.
If this sounds like something you’re not interested in, you might just want to try it and would be surprised to find out that you love it and it becomes a part of your life.
The Unexpected Gift!
These unexpected gifts are life changing to those that receive them. So often those that get the games, clothes and jewelry don’t even remember it in two weeks. But I can tell you from experience, that when you’re low on food. When your teeth hurt. When you have a loved one that is elder this are the things that make lasting memories. And not just for those that get them, but for those that give them. Try it, you may just find that your life is changed forever.