Health Begins In Your Mouth

Your health is more than just important, it’s everything.  More than just about anything else, your health is what determines what you go and how far you go.  If you don’t feel well,  you’re not going to feel like working, studying or being involved with people.  Most people know this, after all when was the last time that you heard someone say, “I wanna be sick”.  But what few people think about is that your health begins in your mouth.  It does, it truly does.  Did you know that your digestion begins in your mouth as well?  It’s not just about the saliva that’s starts breaking down your food, it’s also about your teeth that start to break food apart so that your saliva can start doing it’s job.


Your Teeth!

Your teeth are arguably the most important part of your health and your digestion.  Consider some of the challenges that come with  from not taking proper care of your teeth.

  1. You won’t be eating properly.  How can you, after all it hurts when you chew, how could you possible eat properly.
  2. If you’re teeth are at any point of decay, chances are they’re leaking poison into your system.  That means that your immune system is depressed and you’re more susceptible to get sick.
  3. If you’re diabetic, your mouth won’t be able to heal as quickly and potentially can bleed easier, which in turn increases the likelihood of you getting an infection and becoming seriously ill.

All because you didn’t take care of your first line of defense in health maintenance: your teeth.  No, this wasn’t a complete list, but it is one that will give you an idea of what can happen if you chose not to take care of your teeth.

And remember: