Tis The Season


The holidays are just around the corner and for most they are a time of rejoicing, making memories that will last a lifetime and reconnecting with dear and beloved friends.  But for many this time of rejoicing is a time of pain and sorry.  Not everybody enjoys the holidays and this can be for  any number of reasons.  Most common of those reasons is grief.


Grief can develop from any number of events and ranges in severity for all those that share in it.  If you’ve lost a child and it’s your first holiday, those joyful times are not so joyful.  You come face to face with the fact that you are no longer going to be buying presents for that child.  Making the loss of a child one of the most difficult of all losses to bare.  When you lose a child, it’s not just about not celebrating Christmas and buying them gifts and seeing the joy on their little faces (regardless of age), it’s also about the process the loss of all the events that you are no longer going to be able to partake with them.  They won’t be getting married, having children or graduating from school.   These are all part of what comes barreling down on you during the holidays.  It’s a time when you begin to fully recognize the depth of the loss that you have suffered.  If this is you, contact a counselor before the season is completely on you!  Most have had experience with loss and can help you walk through the season.  It doesn’t mean that you have to continue with counseling after the holidays, it just means that you need a little extra support during this time of year.


The front ends of two vehicles after an accident


It’s far better to talk with someone during this time than to do another destructive behavior and end up with more problems then you know what to do with.  Very often people chose to drown their sorry in alcohol because it seems more dignified and society approves of you drinking than counseling.  When the reality is, if you were to go to a counselor you wouldn’t have all of the problems that come with drinking.  Like addition, accidents or a ruined marriage.   This is especially true during the holidays.  Take time out now and get that firm foundation under you so that when the holidays come, you’re prepared for them and not taken by surprise.  Dr. Schaefer is one counselor that understands what you’ve been through and is more than willing to help you.