Common Childhood Illnesses

Children are susceptible to many diseases in the early years. Colds, flu’s, fevers, and chickenpox are all common for kids. Let’s look briefly at some of them.

8 colds a year is common.
Kids usually are up and running in 5 to 7 days.
Plenty of fluids.

Generally mild.
Common for children
Commonly self treated

More common with kids.
Requires a medical diagnosis
Preventable by vaccine
Spreads very easily

Is contagious
Is a virus
Rare now because of immunization

Common in kids under 5 years of age.
A short-term disease
Croup requires a diagnosis by a doctor

Less than 20,000 cases in the United States each year
Also called German measles
Is prevented by the MMR vaccination

Urgent Care clinics are an alternative to emergency rooms for diagnosing and treating many of these.