Category Archives: Uncategorized
Easy The Pain When Your Angels Gone
Memory Keepsakes For Those That Pass
The Unexpected During The Holidays!
I work in the public light. I see people everyday and I help them everyday. But unlike most holiday seasons in the past, I’ve noticed something really unusual this year. No matter what direction I turned people were talking about their loved ones having passed away. On social media dads were dying. At work family members were dying. There was one thing apparent with all of them; it was unexpected. Now out of seemingly nowhere there are funerals to prepare for. Loved ones to notify and arrangements to be made. For a season that is supposed to be joyous, for many it’s not!
First Thing!
If a family member hasn’t passed away in your life, your turn is coming. As a pastor I know says, “10 out of 10 people will die.” This statement is true, 10 out of 10 people will die there’s no escaping it. So what are you going to do about it? There’s one of two ways to approach the passing of a loved one, or even yourself for that matter. First you can bury your head in the sand and pretend like it’s not going to happen to you or is a long way off. Then no one is prepared and that’s not good for anyone. Second, you can do the responsible thing and be prepared for yourself and your loved ones passing. There are 3 things that you can do to make sure you’re prepared.
- Have your plot and your loved ones planned out and taken care of ahead of time.
- You have your will made up and signed.
- You have the list of contacts you want to notify in a convenient place.
The Most Important Thing!
The one thing that all three of the above points have in common is to preplan. If you’re not sure where to begin on this journey, there are always companies like All Ohio Cremation that are experts in the field and are more than able and willing to help you find what works best for you. Planning for your loved ones passing is not an easy thing. It’s also not free. That means the further ahead that you can plan, the better off everyone will be. If you’re squeamish about the thought of preparing for dying, then it’s even more important that you start now. The last thing that you want to have happen is thousands of dollars worth of bills come in, and you have no way to pay for them.
Your Next Step!
The next thing that you need to do is make your list of priorities and start getting things done. After all, you’re so not guaranteed for later today, let alone tomorrow and neither are your loved ones.