Delightful Denver

Part of what makes a town special is what happens during the holidays, specifically Christmas.  If a town is boring and not much happens during the holidays, then odds are it’s going to be a boring town the rest of the time.  Case in point is Denver Colorado.  It’s delightful most any time of year and but is especially delightful during the Christmas season.  So much so, that it sparkles and shines in many different ways during the holidays.

While this picture is of Trafalgar Square in London, the point is still the same.  Denver has a beautiful orchestra of lights at their zoo and during their holiday parade (known as the parade of lights).  Denver’s celebration doesn’t stop there, but continues in the area of theaters.  With the Nutcracker Ballet showing it’s second to none every holiday season.


The ballet is deep and rich with talent and is the kick off for many for the holiday season.  It’s one of those things that once you’ve gone and experienced it, you must do it again.

The Colorado Symphony Orchestra is not to be outdone by the ballet offering a wonderful experience with Handel’s Messiah being their holiday showcase.

While this is Cambridge, you’ll enjoy the exposure to Handel’s Messiah and if you live in the states, the only thing left for you to do, would be to move to Denver.

Speaking of moving to Denver, you’re going to need a place to live and the finest agency that can help in that area is Denver Real Estate Moguls.  This company will do all that you need them to do to find a home for you that will fit all of your expectations and then some.  They don’t limit themselves to average homes like many real estate companies do.  They go that extra mile and will find you the home that will give you a hug every time you walk into it.

So what are you waiting for!  The beauty, charm and expertise is waiting for you in Denver!

Missing The Heart Of The Season

Antique Valentine 1909 01.jpgThe heart of the season is one of joy and celebration.  It is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ.  It is a time when those that love the Lord.  That is the heart of the season: Love!  But the reality of the season is often something completely different.  When we focus on things, money, being people pleasers, it often sends us into a downward spiral and the season that is supposed to be one of joy and love, becomes one tragedy and heartache.

The front ends of two vehicles after an accident

The Accident!

The accident can be any number of things.  The pictures and video are of car accidents, these often occur during the holidays because people are drinking and follow that up with driving.  This is a no win situation for everyone involved, especially those that have to survive the loss or permanent injuries from said drunk driver.  While television, movies and commercials all tend to want to glorify  drinking.  The reality is that it does no one any good.  Sin after all is pleasurable for a season, but the reality is that drinking soon gets a hold of you, rather than you getting ahold of it.

The accident can also be a fire.  House fires are more prominent than people think during the winter because of unattending candles, pets, dry trees and christmas lights that are too hot for their own good.  Neither of these or any number of accidents are every planned, they just ‘happen’, which is why we call them accidents.


Burns And Other Winter Injuries!

Burns are one of those things that you don’t think about in the winter, but they occur all to often.  Why and how?  You can start with all the baking that people do that don’t normally back.  Suddenly it’s time to bake cookies, cakes, pies, turkeys, family dinners and parties.  Suddenly the kitchen has gone from being dormant to a place of much activity.  The only problem is you’re rusty and forget things like oven mitts and you now have a third degree burn.

Then there’s the fireplace.  You stand to close, have the stockings near the fire and well, poof you have your burn.  That fun  season is suddenly not so fun and you are spending more time at the doctors then you wish.  Speaking of doctors, consider that when you have one of slip and fall that you can go to an urgent care (Boca Regional Urgent Care is wonderful in this area if you live in Florida), instead of your regular doctor.  They will see you much faster and get you the attention and relief from pain that you experience do to any of these events.

Frostbite is another thing that you need to be conscious of.  It happens faster then most people think.  It takes a mere 30 minutes and damage can begin to occur.  While this may not seem that short of a period of time, in children it can occur faster and the result be much more dangerous, even life threatening.


Frost bite.jpg

Minor Frostbite


Most everyone is familiar with Arm and Hammer, which is known for having an outstanding product, as well as strength and integrity.  It’s understandable with a company that has been in existence since the 1800’s it has more than earned the reputation that they have created.  Everything from baking soda to laundry detergent are part of the army that you can use to help secure they health of your family in your home.  But did you know that Arm and Hammer has a bigger industry and product line that transcends the home?  They also have a product line that is built and developed especially for your business and workplace.  One of those companies is called Armakleen.



Armakleen is the branch of Arm and Hammer that is dedicated to cleaning and being environmentally sound products for those that work in the business of commercial or industrial supplies.  Most business such as mechanics what to have clean and functional parts when they’re replacing them in the vehicles that they come from.  They want the nuts and bolts to be clean so that they’re reputation stays in tack.  That is exactly what Armakleen does, makes the products clean of grease, dirt and soil of most any kind.


Not A Mechanic!

While you may not be a mechanic, you may actually be working in the industrial field dealing with such things as electrical parts and machinery.  If this sounds more like you, please consider the before and after pictures of what your product may look like and what it can look like.  Keeping in mind, that you can infact reduce your rejection rate as well as eliminating hazardous waste and chemicals.  All of which improve and increase your reputation with your own customers.



These before and after picture make it abundantly clear how much of a difference the products of Armakleen can make for your business and the quality of care that you’re now able to give to your customers.

The Bottom Line

Your bottom line is really what is being discussed here.  If you want to improve the amount of resources that come into your company.  If you want to get into the black faster than Black Friday.  If you want to be know as the leader in your industry instead of always lagging behind.  Then using products from Armakleen is more than a small step toward achieving those goals.  It’s a giant leap for you and your business!