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Needlepoint Animals
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Spring Crafts
There are a handful of spring crafts that anyone can do. Some may take more time then others, but all are fun and a reward within themselves.
First UP: Needlepoint
Needlepoint is something that anyone can do. Like many crafts, they can be as simple or as complicated as you want. There are different stitches and techniques that come with them. Consider needlepoint knots. Some are simple, like when you start a project, others are not that simple.
If you’re a beginner, make sure that you’re looking at doing the basic stitches first, and then as you master those, add the more complicated ones. Yes, it’s that simple.
Some things that you can needlepoint:
Knitting is all about the knit and pearl stitches. Everything is build off of them, and based on them. Like with Needlepoint, knitting can start simple and then progress as your skill and comfort level do.
With crocheting, you’re making all kinds of fancy Knots, you can make hats, blankets shirts really a never ending list of things. Crocheting also follows the path of simple to hard. Once you have the basics in your belt, you can go to the next level. Unlike knitting, you don’t use needles, but rather a crochet hook. It’s that hook that you pull the thread through and around.
Setting Spring In Motion
There are several things that you can do to set spring in motion. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that spring is just a couple of weeks away, especially if you live in a place that gets a lot of rain. Portland is such a place, and it’s apparent that people can’t wait for spring to get here. The question that lays before us is simple: what can we do to get spring in motion, before it appears to be here? There are many things that can be done to help facilitate spring in your life.
Are one of the simplest things that you can do to bring spring into your life. This Farmers Market bag is one of those fun activities that will allow for you to start bring spring into your home. If you make this needlepoint, then you’re not just going to be bringing spring into your home, but to everyone that sees the bag that you’ve personally handcrafted, it’s that simple.
Spring Cleaning!
Spring cleaning is another avenue that many people use to kick off the spring. It’s not the most enjoyable of things to do for the spring, but it’s often necessary. Cleaning your home, garden, attic and garage are just some of the things that help you spot problems that may have developed over a long cold winter, that need attention during the warmer months like spring and summer.