Aqueous Cleaners

There is a lot of discussion right now about aqueous cleaners.  Questions surrounding them range from what are they, how do they work and are they truly effective?  These questions are all understandable and do have sound answers as well as sound ways that they can be used.  But first, let’s look at defining exactly what an aqueous cleaner is.


Aqueous cleaning.

By it’s name, aqueous cleaning is pretty obvious.  It is a method of cleaning that uses water as it’s primary ingredient.  In a day and age when VOC ( Volatile Organic Compounds) is a critical idea as well as concept and can make or break your business, it’s important to be able to use aqueous cleaners as well as be able to education your client base that you’re environmentally sound from the ground up.


Where You Can Get Aqueous Products!

When you first hear about a product, you may not be sure where you can get it.  Aqueous products are often placed in this category, because people are not aware of their existence let alone where they can get them.  Should they be aware of where they may be purchased the concern closely behind availability is the reliability of the company they are looking at acquiring them from.  These concerns are legitimate, that’s why it’s important to know the company you’re dealing with.  Such concerns are completely erased when you deal with a company called Armakleen.  If you haven’t heard of Armakleen, you’ve heard of their parent company Arm And Hammer.  Now that’s a name with a reputation and known to stand behind their products!


How They Work And Their Effectiveness.

The short answer is yes they work.  They are scientifically designed with water as the base chemical.  Aqueous cleaner and supplies done by Armakleen have gone through testing that includes being effective when used on a variety of soils, greases and oils.  They are also safe on metals and plastics, which is critical for your need in a wide range of areas.  Armakleen products have also been tested to make sure they are non corrosive, so that your products and surfaces aren’t damaged.

Sensitive Electrical Components!



It’s not just important to be able to have the product, but you also need to have the product in a form that works for you.  Aqueous cleaners come in a variety of formulas for your convenience.  Needs tend to vary as much as products do, consider that your cleaning supplies can be formulated as sprays, immersions, manual, agitation as well as ultrasonic.  All with the primary goal of giving you the support that you need for the life of your product.  All making aqueous cleaning supplies here to stay!


Soda Blasting

Usually when one speaks of art, the first thing the mind goes to is the art of painting.  After all there are great artist in that arena to be sure.  But if you would, consider for a moment, that most anything can be considered to be an art, if it is done well.  Consider if you would an athlete, they are artist in motion to be sure.  Then there are singers.  Some are better and over the top such as Celine Dion.  She excels with her talent that she’s far superior to most anyone else in her field.  She has taken her craft to the level of art.

This concept of art doesn’t stop in the area of athletics or music.  There is an argument to be made that art can also be found in business.  Consider if you would, those that give customer service.  If you receive bad customer service, you’re quick to note it.  The same can be said for over-the-top customer service.  When you receive attention and are handled beyond the norm, then you also notice it.  This is especially true if it’s so far beyond anything you’ve experienced in a long time.  The same can be said in the area of commercial cleaning.  Specifically in the area of Soda Blasting, which is the focus of this article.

Soda Blasting A Building

Soda Blasting

You may be asking and rightly so; what is Soda Blasting?  Simply put, it’s the art of using baking soda to blast away those surfaces that have tough and extra tough contaminants and coatings.  The next logical question in your mind is probably; but will it disturb, harm or in anyway damage the product below?  The answer to that is NO!  Those base metals below can be cleaned (contrary to popular belief) without being damaged.



Standard Maintenance

