Holiday Challenges

Arguably the biggest holiday challenges aren’t what costumes to where, gifts to get or even who’s house to go to first.  I’d argue, that the greatest holiday challenges come with the accidents that occur while they are going on.  Consider for a moment that accidents that occur during the holidays are often the most life altering ones around.  If you would, consider for a moment the following accidents and events that can lead you to going to an urgent care or worse.


With all of the holidays, there is bound to be drinking.  Even if you’re not the one doing the drinking, you still run a tremendous risk of having an event caused by someone else’s drinking.  Events can range from a car accident to a fight.  It’s not that you mean to be involved, it’s just that someone else didn’t think before they started drinking.  They also didn’t consider that it would impact anyone else, and they surely didn’t think that they would be out of control.  No matter what the reason, you stand a good chance of being involved with someone out of control because of drinking.

Fires are another thing that can happen and often does during the holidays.  People don’t consider that putting to many electrical cords out can cause a fire.  Why?  Because it overloads the circuit breakers.   While it is fun to put candles in pumpkins and while they are beautiful in windows and on trees, they also run the risk of catching things on fire.  I know someone that lit a candle and the cat played with the flame after they left.  The end result was the home burning down.  Not something that  you want to happen or to experience.

Also, children find christmas lights extremely attractive.  As a result, they often play with the lights and get burned.  This can lead to a trip to urgent care and getting treatment for that most unexpected injury.

Stress And Emotional Challenges.

It’s during the holidays, that we start to feel losses as well as being over stressed.  Often we don’t realize it, but it’s common for us to get so wrapped up in getting ‘things’ done that we crash and burn, because we’re going so crazy to get everything done, that we don’t take time to rest.  That’s no fun for anyone, especially when the holidays are supposed to be a time for rest.

Holidays are also a time when those that we lost during the year come back to mind in a major flood.  If you haven’t mourned and even if you have, you may find that if it’s your first Thanksgiving or Christmas without your loved one that it’s extremely difficult.  Make sure that if you don’t feel good, that you check into getting emotional help even if it’s just for the holidays.


Colds and flus.

If you’re stressed out and emotionally drained, your immune system is being compromised.  Make sure that you do what you need to do to remain healthy.   This is the perfect time to go and see a doctor, especially where urgent cares are concerned.  They get you in and out fast and aren’t slammed like your regular doctor often is.