Holiday Treasures

Holidays are filled with so much hussel and bussel!  It’s crazy, really it is.  I have some tips that I hope will help you out in easing the stress and tension that often comes with the holidays and hopefully bring back the treasures that they once were.  It’s a challenge for many, after all newly lost love one sometimes makes these days rougher than normal.  But, take a deep breath, and as you’re sitting there, try and relax and consider this tips and hopefully, you’re holidays will be back to their normal joy in no time.

The first holiday that’s coming is of course Halloween or Harvest Day.

Sasha & Clarence, Aubry Chapman


Depending on your view ( and they do vary) Halloween is a fun time to celebrate and get lots of candy to eat!  Adults of course will celebrate differently than children.  That is, they are likely to have different beverages and different treats than children are, but they still have a lot of fun.  Both get to stay out late and both get to celebrate this all Hallows Eve.  Some of even called it, “Day of The Dead“, which originated in Mexico and is a time of celebration and remembering those that have passed away.   Wherever you stand, this day is one that is celebrated in one form or another.




Thanksgiving is a time when you are celebrating what you are thankful for.   It’s also a time when family gets together, watches football and reunites old friendships.

Wild Turkey, Cushion, Pillow


Along with all of the food and festivities, people take time to remember those they have lost, things they are thankful for and now Black Friday kickoff.  Yes, it’s true, there are tons of companies that are now starting their Black Friday sales on Thursday.  There are good and bad news where that’s consider.  Good in that you can start your holiday shopping ahead of time.  Bad in that you may be starting to late.  Which brings us to another tip: Start preparing for the holidays far far ahead of time.  If you want less stress, this is a must.  Ask all of those that are out at 3 a.m. waiting in line to get those extra special deals at different stores.  People do have a plan of attack for how they are going to go about getting as many of those sale items as they can.




While you can argue that Christmas is the last of the year’s holidays, it is also one of the busiest ones.  You see it’s a matter of getting all of the presents and decorations together.  If you start early, this won’t be an issue.  If on the other hand, you start late, you’re stress levels are going to raise and you’re not going to be happy.   The same is true if you’re going to be making things and having to pay for them.  Layaway is key for not having financial stress and last minute crunches.

Night Before Christmas, Linda Tillman



Another tip is to buy as much online as you possible can.  It will save you time and energy.  This like needlepoint are important to get started ahead of time.  You don’t want to feel the pressure of trying to finish things when the snow is falling and ice is all over the place.

Lastly the biggest tip that I can  give is this:  IF YOU DON’T WANT TO DO IT DON’T!  This statement is simple as is the reason.  If you don’t want go to families house.  Don’t!  The reason is that you and everyone else is going to be miserable if you do!  Because you don’t want to be there.  I know there are times when we have to do what we don’t want to do.   But the holidays aren’t one of them.