Intelligent Marketing!

When you start a company, the last thing most people think about is how to market your product.  Yet marketing is one of the most important keys to success in making of your business something that goes viral and everyone wants to have something to do with.  We see examples of this with companies such as Facebook, Google, and Microsoft.  Consider if you will, that outside of an outstanding product, getting that product out there to the general public is the single most important decision you will make.  It doesn’t matter if it’s intellectual property or physical property, the product still needs to be made known to those prospective customers.   Enter Intelligent Marketing.



Intelligent Marketing


There are approximately five factors that need to be evaluated your company’s product in the area of intelligent marketing.

First of all,you have to make sure that you are targeting the correct customer segment(s).  This means that you have to have research done to see who your prime customers are going to be.  It’s only then that you’re going to be able to stand a chance of having marketing done effectively.  This, in turn, will allow for you to chose the correct market(s) for your business.


Sales is the next part of intellectual marketing.  I’ve seen it over and over again where the company believes that sales will walk through the door as soon as they hang up their sign, and for the most, part it doesn’t happen this way.  There needs to be a funnel of prospective clients.  Why?  Because there are different types and styles of customers that will be looking to buy your product.  Some aren’t going to be able to buy the product right away because they need their bosses approval.  Others will not be sure if they want to spend their resources on what you have to offer, and others will feel that it’s not a good fit.  It’s few and far in between when the customer will actually sign on the dotted line at the initial contact. It is, in fact, a journey from beginning to the signing and then the satisfaction of the customer.

Part of inteligent marketing means that you’re going to need to bridge their needs with your ability to fulfill the perspective customer.s needs.  This used to be called “a sense of urgency” within the customer.  This has to be done very delicately in this day and age because people don’t like to be sold.  It takes a skillful hand to show a customer how what they need is met by what you do, without them filling like you’re trying to sell them a bill of goods!

This also brings into play the need for the right rational needs of the client.  If their needs aren’t possible or correct, you’re going to need to be able to show them how their thinking is in error and why it’s not going to work.  This may cost you clients in the beginning, but if you’re not able to follow through and give them what you promised your reputation is on the line and it can need to be managed, if you don’t let your future customers know what’s realistic and what’s not.

Lastly, intelligent marketing means that you’re going to need to have an understanding about your competition and how you’re going to offer something that they aren’t able to do and how you’re going to fill that gap in the marketplace.

If your company doesn’t have intelligent marketing, contact Beacon Tech Marketing today and what the results come.   Remember, like any area of business, if it’s not done correctly the business that has the marketers will be left with a bad taste in their mouth in the area of intellectual marketing.  You need to do your homework before you higher someone and then have evaluations/reports done frequently to ensure that you’re getting your money’s worth.