Category Archives: Uncategorized
Protecting Your House Means Having The Right Roof!
Roofing Experts
Grief comes in all size shapes and forms. Some forms of grief are ‘minor’, meaning that if you don’t get the chocolate that you wanted you might be sad, but your world won’t be altered for every. That’s not the point of the discussion here, but rather those events that bring into your life a new normal! A new normal! I first heard this term back in the 1990’s. As I recall it was on a talk show. It was when someone had lost a child. The thing all parents fear. The person having the discussion told the woman that she now had ‘a new normal’.
A new normal is at the heart of grief. It’s when something has so taken place in your life that it can not possibly ever be the same. It’s one of those events that mark your life forever and ever and you have to learn to live with that event. For example, finding out that you have a physical disorder such as cancer rushes into your life a new normal. It means that you are going to have to learn to live with things being different from that point forward. Everything from loss of hair to how you now have to eat has ‘suddenly’ changed. That’s your new normal. It’s what you now have to face every day of your life for the rest of your life!
It means that you’re going to have to grieve all those things that you now have to face. With cancer, it can be the loss of your hair. Every week when you have a treatment you may be concerned if you’re hair is going to fall out more and more. You may also for the first time become concerned if your children are going to have to face cancer in the future. What are you going to eat? Will you be alive to see your children grow up? These are some of the things that you have to address with your new normal. And yes, part of addressing these issues is grief. The grief of the loss of not having to worry about what you’re going to feel like in the morning. And if your diagnosis is terminal, the grief of all the events you’re going to be missing out on!
Another new normal can occur if you have the sudden loss of a loved one. This is especially true if you have lost a child, as discussed in the movie Courageous! The daughter was killed by a drunk driver and the family had to learn how to survive without their youngest child. The loss of a child is a gut wrenching pain that far too many people have had to experience. And of those far too many have tried to walk that loss by themselves. The murder of Adam Walsh, shows us a different type of loss. The young boy Adam was murdered caused the parents to split. Only they know all the particulars, but it was clear that they weren’t able to handle the new normal of a child being murdered. Something that only those that have lost a child in this brutal way can even begin to empathise with!
Sometimes if it’s a new normal that’s too big for you to handle yourself, consider that you can reach out and get help from a professional counselor. This can mean anything from a pastor to a psychiatrist. This type of pain can be so overwhelmingly debilitating that they only way you can make it through it, is by going to a skilled professional. It’s not that you can’t do it yourself, it’s just some time with the bigger things, it’s nice to have someone that can help you through it with the skill of a trained professional.
If you’re facing a new normal, get help if you need it. It’s not a sign of weakness, it’s actually a sign of strength to know when you’ve reached the boundaries of what you know how to do and how to handle things.
Ethio Xpress Grill
Are you one of those people that always eats the same old thing day in and day out? If so, here’s a challenge for you: Try something new! That’s right, if you dare to take the challenge and try a new taste you might just find out that you’ve been missing out on some really good food and then that becomes your favorite!
One of those foods that people tend to skip by and then fall in love with is Ethiopian food! It has spices, herbs, and flavors galore. It has the taste of things that you’ve never imagined being combined together and yet, when they blend it sends your mouth into a pleasurable awakening beyond anything you’ve experienced before.
You’re probably thinking that you don’t want to spend a lot of money on something that you don’t even know if you’re going to like it or not. That’s more than a little bit understandable, which is why places like Ethio Xpress Grill, located in Silver Spring Maryland, exist. To give you the opportunity of a lifetime for discovering a new food that will become a part of your regular diet, without costing you a lot of money!
If you’re not one that likes to dine in, but rather take it home, that’s also an available option for you. Sometimes after a long hard day at work, the last thing that you want to do is eat in front of people, and that’s one of the advantages that comes with Ethio Xpress Grill, you aren’t forced to eat in house, you have the absolute luxury of taking it home with you. Now that’s a deal that you can’t pass up!
College Football!
Injuries are routine in college football! If your in Florida, Boca Regional Urgent Care is there to help you!
Water Polo And Injuries
Water polo can bring with it injuries up to and including death! If you aren’t sure of the extent of your injury, Boca Regional Urgent Care can help! It’s best to be safe than sorry!
Soccer is one of the most dangerous fall sports! Concussions, breaks and sprains lead the way.
Boca Regional Urgent Care will help you get past the injury!
Fall Injuries
The Non Traditional Home!
I love non traditional homes. No, they don’t have to be expensive as in millions of dollars, although those are nice as well. But the homes that are creative and unique, but yet don’t cost a fortune are the truly priceless homes.
Consider the home that looks like an old fashion barn, it is piratical and functional and yet still has the ability to be classy!
Classy from beginning to end and functionality that will last the entire time that you own the home. Including those winters that are cold and often are covered in snow and ice where you can snuggle up next to the fireplace:
Kitchens are often the focal point of a home. It’s where children come to have a warm cup of coco on a cold day and teenagers come to talk about boys and girls when there’s a sleepover:
When you need to have a bedroom that has room for the bed as well as more than ample closet space for the husband and wife, you can find that in those home. Not just for you, but for your significant other too.
For busy moms on busy days, there’s one thing that can help relax her at the end of the day. That thing is a large bathtub that has room to spare!
If you need a room that can be a play from child to adult, it’s something that is unique and hard to find. The basement has been beautifully converted into a spacious open room for your delight and development as your family grows in time.
If all this isn’t enough, consider that those nontraditional unique homes can also have backyards and balcony’s. Something that is unique and functional especially in the city!
There’s so much in this home, that it’s a shame that it’s still on the market. It something that is more than resonable priced and presented so beautifully! The price? It’s under $700,000.